WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY is an accredited institution at the Doctorate level and is accredited by Nations Association of Theological Accreditation (NATA), Bangalore – INDIA.

  1. Accreditation
  • Accredited by Nations Association of Theological Accreditation (NATA), Bangalore, India.
  • Accredited by International Institute of Mission & Culture (IIMC), Bangalore, India.
  1. Affiliation to Diocese
  • Affiliated to United Nations University for Global Peace (UNUGP) USA. & Human Excellent Golden Award.
  • Affiliated to United Nations DESA, American Diplomatic Mission for world Peace, and USA. & excellent contribution as Peace Educator in the Global Mission of UNUGP – USA & All Charters of UN, EU.
  • Affiliated to United Nations Global Apostolic Diocese, AUGPUSA & GAD, USA & Goodwill Ambassador of Global Peace in New York, USA.
  • Affiliated to India Evangelical Church International, BLR, KA, IND.
  • Affiliated to Shalom Full Gospel Assemblies of God International, NJ, USA.
  • Affiliated to Focus Jesus Assembly of God International Worship Centre, BLR, KA, INDIA.
  1. Membership
  • International Certify Member of Mid- West Evangelical Christian University, USA. & South East Asia.
  • World – wide Certify Member of the Hebron Ecology University, Sri Lanka, Asia.
  1. Global Certified & Accreditation by
  • Certified by ISO 9001 : 2015 – Global Accreditation Assessment Forum Series (GAAFS)
  • Certified by ISO 9001 : 2015 – International Management Certification ( IMC )
  • Certified by ISO 9001 : 2015 – International Organization for Standardization)

 About Bangalore: National Office of WICU & Study Centres

With its salubrious clime, the Garden & Silicon City of India, swiftly becoming a concrete city and the fort of IT and High-Tech and Bio-tech, Bangalore provides housing and quarters for several Christian Organizations and a number of theological colleges & Universities. THE WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY is located in the heart of the metropolitan city of Bangalore, with its teeming millions multi-religious, multi-ethnic, multi- linguistic. It enjoys a serene and quiet atmosphere ideally suitable for theological higher education, meditation and prayer. Headquarters of the Bible Society of India, Student Christian Movement, Campus Crusade for Christ- India, Scripture Gift Mission and so forth have been functioning here for several decades. The Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Christian Colleges, High Schools, Christian Hospitals, Hostels, Orphanages, etc., make rich contributions to the community and country. Also in this City are a number of Theological Colleges- Roman Catholic, Protestant- Ecumenical and Evangelical.

WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY has also had the blessing of increased number of admissions every year, and the introduction of higher Degrees e.g. Ph.D. in different subjects to train, equipped & honour more frontline leaders in the society, state, national & International level.



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