Aims & Objectives


WICU has taken to heart the need for training and equipping Indian in India. Students apply not only from all around India, but also from neighbouring countries such as Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka and also from South Asian Countries.

Our Statements of Faith and the five basic guideline underline our approach to theological education.  There is a dearth of committed, reliable pastors and Christian leaders, who can take responsible positions in Church and Society.  It is also true that theological education (evangelical) in this country is suffering due to the lack of well qualified and faithful Christian personnel. 

Under the authority of the Scripture, WICU endeavours to fulfil its commitment to the ministry through Post graduate education, professional skill development and spiritual formation.  The honorary Doctorate Degree offered by our institution seek to promote sound theological training and the formation equipment of local pastors and leaders personnel for the varied of ministry of the churches in India and the whole of Asia.  

From its Head office setting here in Bangalore City, Karnataka WICU looks out to the whole of India and Asia and beyond. 

WICU’s educational responsibility is clearly seen in the obligation to carry out the teaching task embraced by the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). We have various honorary degrees for experienced Pastors and Leaders to have it for the glory of God.



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