From the chancellor’s desk

My Dear Fellow Worker’s in the Lord’s Vineyard,

Shalom! Peace be with you!

Grace & Peace be unto you from Our Lord Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.

Dr.Prabir Nayak (10)

Dear Prospective Students and Friends, It is with immense joy, I welcome you to Wellspring International Christian University (India) to study the Divine word of God and equip yourself to be more effective in the Ministry.

In obedience to the evangelistic Mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, WIUC is Bible based and Jesus Christ Centered, focusing to grassroots’ level Pastors and Leaders to restore & receive the most valid theological degrees and to be stand tall as the front line leaders in his/ her locality and to works for God tirelessly.

We encourage dedicated servants of God, who have burning passion for lost souls and challenges them to proclaim the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached people groups in this perplex, confusion world.

WIC University is Registered & growing Institute, focusing all languages people through biblical and spiritual training in India & beyond. WIC University is a comprehensive, International, Interdenominational, Evangelical, Bible based and Christ-Centered Christian University.

The core focus of WICU is to work with like-minded servants of God to produce biblically top leaders who would impact the communities and win the souls and those souls will be added to the body of Christ globally.

WIC University offers theological & Biblical courses through distance mode, e.g. undergraduate to Doctorate level. You are privileged to have this opportunity to earn your degree at your door steps by studying different subjects. WICU has its own extension study centers all over India & its neighboring countries. You can access through what’s App to Local State Coordinator’s to know more about this university and also though newly developed website.

Don’t waste your time but study God’s word to approve by God to be more effective & powerful servant of God.

Looking forward to see you soon in every convocation and Ordination program.

With love & Prayers,

  Prof. Dr. P. N. Paul

  Chancellor, WICU – Asia.

  Chairman, UICCA Diocese – Asia.



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