From the vice chancellors desk


WICU stands for all, as Jesus Christ stood according to biblical standard.

It’s give more important to practical ministries of local Pastors and leaders who are serving tirelessly in the mission fields and also rural area in India. We have a faithful, intelligent and hardworking executive team with vast experience in Admins & the mission.


We aim to train committed men and women to be more like Jesus as well as local pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, Church planters and Christian leaders with Biblical beliefs. 

We are happy to introduce to you our new program of Ph.D. leadership and Public Affairs. The main objective of this program is to train the grassroots to stand as top leaders in the society. The courses offered at WICU are accredited by Nations Association for Theological Accreditation (NATA). The social structure and value system of academic programs depend upon the proper curriculum of the University. The curriculum of WICU serves as an innovative guideline for theological, biblical & social education that stands both academic and spirituality. Admissions at WICU is opened round the year. The theological degree or Honorary Doctorate awards will be granted by WICU only if the candidates have completed his /her filled application with relevant documents before time and also clear the fee as per as University rules and regulation.

The WICU has applied and yet to receive the Accreditations from top Universities in the world and also made ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ (MOU) with reputed Christian Universities in US, UK, SINGAPORE, SRILANKA, NEPAL, BANGLADESH, AFRICA & EUROPE. Moreover, we exchanges many theological views and thoughts with the Universities, who made MOU.

Your constant prayer and willingness to learn from WICU might be a right decision for you to excel your degrees. We encourage to be more reliable, faithful and obedient leaders and ministers for the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. We welcome all of you to make WICU is Best University in India and beyond.

Yours always for Souls,

Dr. Hepzi Beulaha J

Vice Chancellor,

WICU – Asia.



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