General Information

General Information

In response to a vision given by God in 1997 two Servant of God, Rev. Dr. P.N.Paul and Dr. Hepzi Beulaha who had been in various cities in India for a number of years (in 2000 Bangalore, and later in Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad, Patna, Lucknow, Chennai and other places), they were led to found and register the Focus Asia International Foundation Trust in Bangalore in 2021.  In the year 2000, they had also established the CFN Organisation. Before this, they started CFNC Mission in Bangalore city in 2000. Later on convinced that they were called not only to minister to the people of India, though that was primary and in particular, they realized that the WIC University should be a living instrument for preparing committed and dedicated young men and women from south Asia continents to be a Teachers, Preachers, Pastors, Evangelists and Church planters for the task of evangelization of the whole of Asia. As such, the CFN Mission was renamed WELLSPRING INTERNTIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. The primary aim and goal of establishing the WICU was to train grassroots level pastors and lay leaders in Spiritual, Social and Biblical knowledge to equip themselves to be a mainline leaders in the society.



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