

More than three decades ago, the God picked up one dedicated servant of God from Kandhamal District of Odisha State of East India for equipping and training young men and women for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is fact and truth, it could be claimed that the founding of these institution were made plausible by the experience gained during the twenty five years in South India and later starting the WICU (Wellspring International Christian university) in Bangalore in 2021 for the Pastors and leaders and equipping reliable, dedicated Christians for world-wide evangelism and making servant heart leaders through church planting. As such establishing the Wellspring International Christian University, United Independent Christian Council of Asia Diocese since Nov 2021.

That the founding of WELLSPRING INTRENATIONAL CHRISITAN UNIVERSITY was in the fulfilment of the purposes of our God & Jesus Christ by the leading of the Holy Spirit is validated by the fact that such an institution is needed not only for providing Honorary  Doctorate degree’s also train grass root level lay leaders  in these times of turmoil, chaos, persecution and hostilities, to promote the kingdom of God, and to prepare ministers, evangelists & leaders who will proclaim the Gospel of Christ without fear. WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY marks the realization of the vision of the founders. 

From the very beginning, the aim of WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY was to establish best education with higher level curriculum and syllabus with reputed professors from the Evangelical faith and background. The institution has received answers to its prayer and his cherished longing of having its own National Office at Bangalore. Being a distance learning educational Institution, the highest standards of Christian moral character is expected from everyone associated with WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. The basic guidelines make clear the aims and objectives of founding the WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. In keeping with the Basic guidelines all Staffs and Students of the WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY is the responsibility of protecting and promoting the Christian faith.  The Basic Guidelines are in very truth the light for the whole University which dispels the darkness of ungodliness and ignorance and enables all to walk in the Christian path of peace and love.

WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY is justifiably proud and thankful to the Lord, that during its short span of existence, it has been immensely blessed by God to train, equip & honour nearly 1000 students from all over India and neighbouring countries, such as Andaman, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar and other Asia Countries.

It is our never ceasing endeavour to make WELLSPRING INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY the best Evangelical Theological University in the whole of Asia. 



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